The 8 Things I am leaving behind at 32...


Last week I turned 32 and I am so grateful, so blessed to see another year. I am not counting January as the start of my new year, my new year started on my birthday, February 6th! This past month has been a true time of reflection. I took some time off for the holidays and the start of the new year to realign myself, nail down my direction for myself personally, financially, and spiritually and really reflect on the women that I want to be in this new year of my life and in this new decade. There is so much that I learned in my 31st year, and I truly want to live this year and the rest of my life with purpose, love, and gratitude. Tomorrow is not promised, so every day I want to do things that are leading me to my ultimate purpose and to serve God.  

With this year, comes growth and change, and there is a lot I that will not be taking with me in my 32nd year of life. Here are the 8 things:  

1. Saying yes when I want to say no.
There have been so many times where I agreed to something and I really knew it wasn’t the best for me. No longer will I waste time or energy on things or situations that don’t suit me. No more will I be scared to hurt someone’s feelings by saying no, or doing things “just cause”. Everything has to align and have a purpose.

2. Resentment
No longer will I waste energy resenting people and situations. I would find myself getting mad and staying mad at someone for my feelings, or what I think they may feel about me. Life is to short to harvest resentment

3. Not doing what I say I’m going to do.   
I had so many things I wanted to do last year that I didn’t. No longer will I put things on my goal list and not attempt to go after it, I want to live a life of no regrets, so I am going after everything I say I want.

4. Second-guessing myself.
At this age, I know who I am and the kind of life I want. I will no longer question my judgment, I will trust my experience, and I will move forward with more confidence.


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5. Negative self-talk.
This is so important to me. I am not one to beat myself up, but I do find myself saying little things that don’t serve me. I catch myself talking negatively about my post-pregnancy body, or the way my hair looks… I will affirm myself every morning, showing gratitude for the body, hair, and everything else that brought me to year 32.

6. Dimming my own light.
There are times when people may compliment my work, or the way I show up for my family, or even how I look in a photo and I downplay it. I’ll say, “thank you,” but then say how it’s not a big deal. I will acknowledge my glow-up. I will be proud of what I do, and let my light be an example for my daughter and the other women that look to me.

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7.  Perfection.
I have heard these words many times, but at 32 years old I will choose “progress over perfection.” I am a recovering perfectionist. I like to have everything in place, everything figured out, and every step planned. But, I won’t let not having those things stop me from launching my new brands this year.

8. Caring about what others think.
I will let whoever think whatever, period.



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